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‘Mallrats 2’ Will Bring Back All Of The Original Cast

By George Robbins

As we have all heard of by now, there are a number of different films which are now currently going through the development process despite the pandemic. This pandemic is far from the first one in all of human history, but it is a very unique one as we find ourselves not cut off from other people. We are in the age of information and, therefore, we can get any new information we want pretty much whenever we want to. It is due to this that we know that there are countermeasures in place so that people can go back to work. This is what has allowed the possibility for people to go and continue to work in the film industry despite the fact that so much is going wrong with that same industry.


One of the biggest issues for that industry right now is the fact that they can no longer have theatrical releases for their films or they risk losing a lot of capital. Studios have invested a lot of money into the creation of their films, but no one is willing to actually go out to theaters because they are still considered to be high risk public venues. With this in mind, people do not want to chance their own safety or the safety of their families if it means going to see a movie. They would much rather just watch new movies from the comfort of their own homes. This release method is not one that many studios wish to follow, so they have pushed their films down the line. Fortunately, they are preparing some new films for us even now.


‘Mallrats 2’ just so happens to be one of these films and while we have no release date in sight, we know that it is ready to be filmed. They have been working on getting the casting all set up in the meantime as well as getting a production crew together to work on the film. While the biggest topic of debate was whether Ben Affleck would return for the sequel, it has not been discussed as to whether the rest of the original cast would return to play their parts in the film. Kevin Smith made the announcement recently that they would all actually be returning to play their parts in the upcoming film. So we now have a lot to look forward to with this film’s release, whenever that may end up being.
