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‘Bill & Ted Face the Music’ Moves Back to Late August Release

By George Robbins

There are a lot of different films that have unfortunately been forced to have their release dates pushed back due to issues caused by the pandemic. Many films now have theatrical releases either for later this year, or some time next year. These films have had no choice but to do this and now there are films that are going to be releasing straight to digital because there is no merit to waiting for a theatrical release window. This is how Universal have been releasing a majority of their films these past few months. They have only pushed the release dates for a few different films thus far and it doesn’t seem like they are going to stop with these release plans any time soon.


A number of different films have even pushed back their release dates multiple times to the point where new plans have had to be drawn up. Christopher Nolan’s newest movie ‘Tenet’ currently doesn’t have a release date for a domestic theatrical release and it will instead show in about 70 other countries that have a better handle on the virus. Another film that was forced to be pushed back was Disney’s new live-action adaptation of ‘Mulan’ which has now been delayed since March and was supposed to release near the end of August. Disney have recently decided that the best course of action moving forward is for them to just release this new movie straight to Disney+ because there is no reason at this point to delay the film anymore. They will charge a fee for people to buy the movie from the streaming service in order to make up for the money they will lose because there is no theatrical release.


Now it seems that there is a bit of good news in regards to the movie ‘Bill & Ted Face the Music‘ as it will be releasing sooner than anticipated. The ‘Bill & Ted’ movies have gained something of a cult following since their original release and their is a dedicated fanbase that have been looking forward to the release of this movie. It was meant to be just like any other film where it would have a theatrical release and then some time later it would release on digital. Due to the pandemic, they will be releasing the film in both select theaters and straight to digital so that those people that can’t go out to see it will be given the opportunity to do so. The movie was originally supposed to premiere on August 21st which was then pushed to September 1st, and now it seems people will get the chance to see the movie a bit sooner when it releases on August 28th.
