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Peter Pan Reimagined- Wendy


The classic tale of Peter Pan tells us the story of a girl named Wendy and her siblings being brought to a place where no one ages. In the traditional story, Wendy cares for her siblings while trying to navigate the magical land and the boy who brought them there. All stories are made to be retold however, and that is what this movie is meant to do. Director Benh Zeitlin, who directed Beasts of the Southern Wild, re-imagines the original story into a ragtag epic. Written by Benh Zeitlin & Eliza Zeitlin, produced by Becky Glupczynski, Dan Janvey, Paul Mezey, and Josh Penn, and brought to us by Fox Searchlight, we have ‘Wendy.’

Devin France in the film Wendy

‘Wendy’ sees the titular character lost on a mysterious island where aging and time have come unglued. Wendy must fight to save her family, her freedom, and the joyous spirit of youth from the deadly peril of growing up. A re-imagining of the classic tale from the point of view of Wendy Darling, the movie of the same name shows us just how her life and the lives of her family are affected by their journey to a land where they never age. The movie is headlined by a cast of first time actors, and we will get to see how well they do when the film hits theaters on February 28, 2020.

(From L-R): Yashua Mack, Devin France, Gage Naquin, Gavin Naquin, Romyri Ross, Ahmad Cage and Krzysztof Meyn in the film Wendy