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By George Robbins [usr 4.7] I think this film review for ‘Christmas Vacation’ may be unneeded, but it can’t hurt. Many people may know this film by now, but there are some who might not. This film review is for those people. I hope that it will be enough to make you watch the film. […]

By George Robbins [usr 4.5] This film review for The Cabin in the Woods is being written to help decide if the film is worth watching. The movie is set up to seem like a slasher film at the start. This foreshadows much of the events that unfold. Thus, it is impossible to predict how […]

By George Robbins [usr 4.5] This film review for the now classic animated film Atlantis: The Last Empire is go to emphasize just how much I love this film. As a child or now as an adult, this film has always meant a lot to me. Growing up, this was my go to animated film […]

By George Robbins [usr 2.5] Krampus Film Review: This film is one that you may or may not find scary, depending on how well you handle horror comedies. Personally this is not a film that I would watch more than once or twice a year. I am not even sure why I am writing this […]

By George Robbins [usr 4] Although this film has incredibly religious undertones and very ham-fisted religious themes, that does not at all detract from how well this film plays out. The action combined with the set pieces makes this film incredibly enticing to watch. The protagonist is someone that like many other protagonists is a […]

By George Robbins [usr 4.5] ‘Falling Skies’ is a series that I spent a lot of time watching and re-watching. As it is a completed series, I can be satisfied whenever I’m doing a watch through of the show and I reach the end. At the start you are thrown right into the action with […]
