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‘Ant-Man 3’ May Be Wasting A Good Villain

By George Robbins

What we have learned not too long ago is the fact that ‘Ant-Man 3’ will be starting its production process some time next June. Marvel Studios has all of its movies set up in a certain way for when they decide to start production or release their movies. Although things are not so simple nowadays and their schedules are off, they are trying to keep up with previous production plans. This means that their plans to film ‘Ant-Man 3’ in June are still on track, but it was just a surprise to hear that they would be doing it in the first place. They have all of their films set up by Phase and they film them based on this so with the movie not on the Phase 4 list, wehn will it release.


We are still not entirely sure when the film will release, but we know that it will, hopefully, not be in the too distant future. Interestingly enough, we have been finding out new information about the upcoming entry to the series including the villain for the film. Apparently, the main villain for the movie is going to be Kang the Conqueror which is most definitely not a villain we were expecting for the film. Normally what happens is that the main villain of the film is then defeated within the same film or another entry in the near future. This has some fans worried though because Kang is meant to be a strong villain within the Marvel universe.


What I mean to say is that Kang is a character which could serve as a good replacement for Thanos in the MCU as an overall villain. This means he could be the villain that helps tie together whatever the next arc in the MCU ends up being. Maybe this is what they will actually do, but it is highly unlikely and some feel like using him for this movie will ultimately be kind of a waste. This may be the case, but we just won’t know until we see how things work out in the movie or how things work out within the next few years of releases. Maybe he would serve as a good over-arching villain, but maybe Marvel Studios has a better villain in mind and he is just a good stepping stone. We’ll just have to wait and see how things end up turning out.
