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‘Ant-Man 3’ to Start Production June 2021

By George Robbins

Marvel’s Phase 4 is full of new upcoming movies that give us a look at new heroes that haven’t been seen on the big screen before. Among the films that have been announced, ‘Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings’ has been the one that has been in the news recently. The reason for it being in the news in the first place is because it was supposed to be the next film in production and the one of the next movies to release. The news has been good recently as they will be able to resume production soon for the film which moves everything forward. This means that Phase 4 can move on as planned because they shouldn’t have any more delays.


This upcoming wave of Marvel films is unlike the previous three phases due to the fact many different new heroes are a part of it. It represents an entirely new era within the Marvel era where we will be seeing a new saga begin. With many heroes being involved in the upcoming Phase, a question is asked about what this new saga will really be about. The original heroes are either gone, or may be nearing the end of their journey while many are just about to begin their’s. There are plenty of routes that Marvel Studios could follow moving forward, giving plenty of new opportunities to newer heroes.


There were heroes introduced in the first few Phases that have never really been focused on before outside of comics. This showed us that we could get movies for heroes that could push them into the spotlight and make them well known. ‘The Guardians of the Galaxy‘, ‘Doctor Strange‘, ‘Black Panther,’ and the ‘Ant-Man‘ movies gave some light to heroes with lesser known names. Among those movies is the latterly mentioned ‘Ant-Man’ which gave us an introduction to the titular character who played a massive part in the franchise. No one would have expected to really like the character or think much of him, but the writing for the movies is so well done that it is hard not to like them.


Phase 4 of the MCU is mostly meant to introduce us to the newest wave of characters we will be seeing from this point onward. With this in mind, it isn’t too much of a surprise that the next installment of ‘Ant-Man’ would not be a part of this Phase of films. Thus it was assumed that production for the movie was delayed indefinitely, but there was no official announcement that this was, in fact, the truth. Disney confirmed the new date for the start of production as being some time in June of 2021 as opposed to what was previously announced when it was said they would start in January 2021. This delay allows for the script of the film to be refined which will give us a version of the film that can be seen as one of the best.
