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The ‘Tenet’ Release Date Only Got Pushed by Two Weeks

By George Robbins

Plenty of films have had their release dates pushed back, with many having their dates pushed back months to accommodate for the problems plaguing theaters. In the midst of the reports saying that the virus is making a resurgence following the opening of businesses, many studios delayed their films. Most films were pushed back months in order to allow theaters the opportunity to sort out exactly how they will handle the public. They are also doing it to see if the public will actually end up going back to theaters after they are opened for awhile. Without any idea as to when they will be opened up properly, studios are finding it better just to wait longer and see than to release their films to minuscule crowds.


Many theaters have already reopened and it is becoming a pressing issue whether this will work out for them. On top of the fact many everyday people don’t want to risk the chance that they get infected after leaving the house, theaters have no movies to show. Actually, it isn’t that they have no movies to show so much as the fact they have no new movies to show. Movie theaters have their entire businesses thriving off of the fact that they have something new to show the public that they can charge for. However, most of what they have now are older films that people can watch from home through a variety of services. This has caused some movies to just be released straight to VOD, but some filmmakers are determined to keep the intended theatrical releases for their films.


Among the people who wish to have their films retain their theatrical releases is Christopher Nolan. Nolan has been pushing for his upcoming film ‘Tenet’ to maintain its original July 17th release date. He has said that he wants his film to be the first big film people will be able to go and see when theaters reopen. His hope is that his mystery movie will be enough to make people want to go back out to the movies and revive movie theaters which are suffering. It was unknown if the movie would actually end up keeping its intended original release date, and that now seems to not be the case. It appears the movie’s release date has been delayed… by two weeks.


Many studios have decided to err on the side of caution when it came to rescheduling their films’ releases, but it seems Warner Bros. will still be dropping ‘Tenet’ around the same time frame. The point of this is simply to appease Nolan who wants his film to be out there really badly. His newest movie is one that no one can glean any kind of information from regardless of what can be seen in trailers. The movie is such an enigma that even the actors have a hard time understanding what is going on in the film. The fact this movie is interesting due to fact it is a pure curiosity is the draw that Nolan is hoping will bring people through theater doors to watch it. This still doesn’t change the fact theaters are seen as dangerous and even if people pack in to see the movie, theaters are at limited capacity. Now we just have to wait and see what happens when the movie releases to theaters on July 31st.
