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May the 4th Will Not Be Stopped

May 4th is something that is essentially considered a holiday now for many Star Wars fans all over. This year, May the 4th is an event that many cannot celebrate due to the coronavirus pandemic. At least, a massive celebration cannot be held for the event. What this means is that the yearly gathering of Star Wars fans unfortunately cannot happen, at least not the way that it usually does. This is one of those moments where the internet really comes in handy and it shines through the most.


The May the 4th convention will still be held for the public this year, but it will be a virtual convention. Virtual conventions have been around for awhile now, but there has usually been some kind of physical aspect to the convention. Now, Star Wars fans will be getting an entirely online convention so that they don’t miss out on both the 4th and the aptly named Revenge of the 5th. This event is one that seems fitting considering the fact that the final film in the new trilogy came out just at the end of the previous year. With that in mind, there is plenty for Star Wars fans to talk about regarding the past, present, and future of the franchise.


Even though ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ was the last film in the newest trilogy, Disney is far from finished with the franchise. In fact, it is more likely that they are only just beginning since they can now do whatever they want with regards to the universe. They can work with any part of the universe that they want which can give them the freedom to create entirely new storylines that Star Wars fans can try and predict. That is what the convention is about; talking about the stories that we already have, and the possible stories that can be told in the future. This is important to Star Wars fans as it gives them an opportunity to discuss something they love with other people that feel the same way.


Star Wars is one of the largest franchises there is and with that it has one of the largest fan-bases out there. Luckily, since the world has become much more live content oriented, there are plenty of platforms for people to go to for content. The plans for the convention involve Live Tweet sessions revolving around major films from the franchise, Facebook live discussions content, and YouTube Livestreams. Countless comic con accounts will be a part of the two day online event and will be the accounts behind the live discussion events. With so many events lined up for people to go and be a part of, it seems that this convention will still be an excellent time for all Star Wars fans.
