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By George Robbins [usr 3] This film review for the 1980 film Flash Gordon is being written to illustrate the fact it is a gem. The film itself, while strange, does have a pretty coherent plot. Following this it is also decently written, and this makes the story relatively easy to follow. Most people don’t […]

By George Robbins [usr 4.5] I am writing this film review for the animated film Iron Giant so that my early love for the film can be expressed. It is just a fantastic film in its own right. The animation style is a little old school, but that just adds to the charm. After all, […]

By George Robbins [usr 4.5] This film review for Shaun of the Dead is one that will be filled with gratitude. Not just gratitude for the movie, but for the Cornetto Trilogy itself. ‘Shaun of the Dead’ was released in 2004, and upon its first release, it was a film that was beloved for its […]

By George Robbins [usr 3.5] Seriously a film review for the movie ‘Weird Science’ is just asking for a strange review right? Well I don’t know if it does because that would mean coming up with some weird review. Reviews are hard to make weird you know. It would have to involve a bunch of […]

By George Robbins [usr 4] Where to really start this film review for ‘The Philadelphia Experiment.’ The best place to begin I suppose is that this film is based off of an urban legend about the so called ‘true’ Philadelphia experiment. This fact alone makes the film seem eerie. This helps the film, however, as […]

By George Robbins [usr 4] This film review for the 1986 film Short Circuit is one that comes from a place of love. Anyone who sees this movie will love it.While those who have seen it know exactly why it is such a fun movie to watch. The 1980’s were a time where science fiction […]
