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The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a world in which movie productions are now something that seem almost foreign. No productions are currently running because groups of people are not allowed to gather together. With no productions running, it is no surprise that we have no proper release dates for new films, especially the Marvel […]

Over the past few years, the Star Wars franchise has had a resurgence beginning with ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens.’ The idea that Lucasfilm had following that film was that they planned on making spin-off films for every off year that there wasn’t a main film. After only the second spin-off film’s release, Lucasfilm scrapped […]

Very recently, we discovered that Tom Cruise was planning to talk with NASA alongside Elon Musk to try and make a film in space. The film would be the first feature length movie filmed in outer space and would be a technical achievement for the movie industry. The movie was only revealed at the time […]

Today is Revenge of the Fifth, the second part of the annual celebration of the Star Wars universe by its fans. I was reading a couple of articles, and it seems like there is something a few people got off their chest within these past two days. The new Star Wars trilogy doesn’t measure up […]

There are many different and interesting ways for movies to be filmed and there are always new frontiers to be explored. Space is often seen as the final frontier, so maybe the same can be said about filming movies. Among the actors that always try to push to get better shots to make their films […]
