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Disney Parks is Expected to Lose Approx. $21 Billion Due to Park Shutdowns

The Mouse House is losing a lot of potential revenue on a regular basis due to their parks shutting down due to the coronavirus pandemic. Disney is still bringing in a lot of revenue off things like films and music, but mostly from Disney+. Their premium service has nearly their entire collection of shows and movies available for people to watch online for an affordable cost. With this in mind, they knew that now more than ever that people would be using their service more frequently. Disney is one of the largest industries in the world and it is no joke that they will be losing a lot of money due to the pandemic.


Disney Parks are among some of the first places to shut down when all of this pandemic business started back in mid-March. Theme parks are the perfect place for a virus to proliferate, so that makes sense. The downside is the fact that parks rely solely on visitors while other businesses might still be able to work. Some parks are hoping that they will be open in time for the summer while others are choosing to stay closed until January of next year. Disney Parks are trying their best to re-open as soon as they possibly can.


Even when the parks do decide to re-open, they will end up having to follow the same guidelines that are currently in place for other businesses. These new measures include things like limiting the park’s capacity, mandatory face masks, more sanitizing stations, and temperature screenings at security checkpoints. This is what people have to look forward to if they want to go to the parks, but they are not limited to just those things. People need to pay close attention to things going on around them in the world, including how this might be changed in the future.


Not only must Disney Parks follow all of these procedures, but they must also try and instill confidence into their market. People will not want to go out to a public place since it is now ingrained in a lot of people that going out to a place that is known to have a lot of people in it is a bad idea. The fact that they won’t be able to re-open the parks for awhile and they then have to get people to come to their parks makes everything difficult for them. With these things in mind, Disney Parks will lose out on a calculated $21 billion for the year.
