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By George Robbins The Star Wars franchise is one that now spans entire generations and has a fan base many franchises wish they could have in terms of size and loyalty to the brand. There are countless ways that Lucasfilms keeps their fans on the line to keep them interested in their next project. Not […]

By George Robbins Plenty of films have had their release dates pushed back, with many having their dates pushed back months to accommodate for the problems plaguing theaters. In the midst of the reports saying that the virus is making a resurgence following the opening of businesses, many studios delayed their films. Most films were […]

The Oscars Image

By George Robbins These past few months have been rough for everyone and that isn’t likely to change any time in the near future. The entertainment industry, specifically the movie industry, is having a hard time right now following the outbreak. Many studios have shifted the release schedules of their movies to reflect the current […]

By George Robbins Ever since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, plenty of public businesses have had absolutely no choice but to remain closed, until recently. Although it goes against better judgement, many businesses that have been closed have started reopening worldwide to keep economies from total collapse. Among the businesses that have had to […]

By George Robbins Plenty of movies are being shuffled around nowadays due to the effects that the coronavirus is having on the movie industry. There are many films that should have been out by now that have had to change release dates in order to accommodate a full theatrical release. Many theaters have plans to […]

By George Robbins The DCEU is a franchise that has plenty of issues with fans of the DC universe, with many of the films in it being not up to the hopes and standards people want them to be at. Among the films on that list, and to some, the worst offender is ‘Suicide Squad.’ […]
