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Film Review for the Movie Ghost Town

Ghost Town Featured Image

By George Robbins

[usr 4.3]

This review for the movie Ghost Town is written in order to bring attention to a simply good and entertaining film which many forget about. Therefore I want people to read this and watch it, or vice versa. Thus, moving forward, the film sees a prickly dentist getting to see the dead. Following, a near dead experience he learns that there is a lot to life, and death. The reason I like the film is because it is a good lesson that everyone has their regrets.

In the beginning, the dentist is someone who simply does his job without getting to know anyone. That idea of his is shattered when, after temporarily dying in surgery, he is suddenly able to speak to the deceased. After this, he simply tries to run away from, or ignore his problems. Eventually he realizes that this isn’t something that works forever. After he gives in, he sees that people try to not have regrets, but it will happen somehow.

In Conclusion for this Review of the Movie Ghost Town

Throughout the film we see the dead all having unfinished business. Most of such business is regrets they may have had in life. What can be taken from this is that everyone has regrets, but we have to live life trying to make sure we have very few of them. If we have regrets, we should try and make up for them. This is doable but very difficult, and I feel as though we can all at least try. Hopefully, you will watch the film after this, it is a funny film with serious themes and is worth the watch.

for more information on the film, click here. For something similar, try the TV series Pushing Daisies.
