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A Film Review for the Movie Rudy

Rudy Featured Image

By George Robbins

[usr 4.2]

This film review for the movie Rudy is one that will discuss just how inspiring this film is, and how it has the potential to shape lives. Given the fact that the film is based off of a true story makes it all the better. After all, people love to watch inspiring films. Thus a film like this, filled with countless obstacles to overcome is more endearing. In other words, it puts us in the characters shoes and shows us how hard he has to work.

First of all, the film presents huge obstacles from the start that he must overcome. Next, he is waylaid because of his own disability, not getting to start off where he wants. However, this gives us a chance to see his determination as time goes on. It gives the viewer hope that everything might work out. In the end, it all finally comes to a head and we get to see an incredible triumph.

In Conclusion for this Film Review for the Movie Rudy

Everything in the film builds to the climactic triumph at the end. The overwhelming joy of both the man and those around him leaks from the screen. After it is all over, of course we feel inspired, even if it is to do something small. Most people would probably never experience difficulties like his, but it shows that we can do whatever we set out to do. Hopefully, you will now go and watch the film and look to be inspired.

For more information on the film, click here. For a similar film, try Everyone’s Hero.
