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Film Review For Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

By George Robbins

[usr 4]

At the time of my writing this film review for ‘Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,’ the film is still new. I don’t think that it is necessary for this film to exist, but it wasn’t bad. The end of the first film did well to close out the story. Therefore, I never would have expected a sequel for that film. Though, like I said, I didn’t dislike the film, so it is probably worth a viewing.

Beware Mild Spoilers Ahead

I probably wouldn’t have gone to see it myself, but I was with family so i had no problem seeing it. When the film began, there was expositional narrative used to try and warrant a need for this film’s existence. There is no problem with that in my eyes, but it is pretty obvious that it’s there for that reason. From that point forward the film went along as I expected it to, but it was still fun to watch. I knew a villain would be introduced for the sake of plot convenience, but I can suspend my disbelief enough where it isn’t an issue.All-in-all it isn’t a bad movie, just an unnecessary one.

Conclusively I believe that people can watch whatever they want to. After reading this review it is up to you whether you want to see it, but just know that this is what it will be like. The film itself has fun moments, but I can definitely see the reason why people wouldn’t like it. You are already going to suspend your disbelief anyway for the sake of it being a movie. So, before you go, just know you’ll have to suspend it a bit more a couple of times.

If you didn’t find this film review for Maleficent: Mistress of Evil helpful in your movie watching decision, click here for more info.

If you did find it helpful then maybe a different kind of recommendation would be suitable. Perhaps a movie like Pleasantville.
