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Film Review for the Movie Gangster Squad

Gangster Squad Featured Image

By George Robbins

[usr 4.5]

This film review for the movie Gangster Squad is written solely to try and get people reading it to want to watch the movie. Following the introduction of the movie, we know why the squad was created to begin with. With the rise of notorious gangster Mickey Cohen, there was no one to stop him. However, this resulted in a secret squad formed to deal with him. Thus, the titular gangster squad is created solely to stop the spread of Cohen’s mafia. This is only a part of why the film is interesting.

First, we see the squad fighting against Cohen’s operations, and effectively ruining his livelihood. Next, they commit actions not sanctioned by the LAPD to make him lose even more. After all, the gangster himself has corrupt judges and officers on his side. This makes the film all the more interesting to me. Overall, the squad had to be efficient in acting of their own accord, without being caught by either side.

In Conclusion for this Film Review for the Movie Gangster Squad

Ultimately we see the destruction of Mickey Cohen’s criminal empire when he is arrested. Every event leading up to the arrest in the film feels earned as well. Following the conclusion, you can only really feel satisfaction from watching it through. However, I do realize some people may not like this sort of film, and that is fine. Hopefully after reading this, some of you will want to watch the film.

For more information on the film, click here. For a similar film to watch, try Public Enemies.
