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Film Review for the film Armageddon

By George Robbins

[usr 3.5]

This film review for Armageddon is one that contains a lot of love for the characters, even if the film isn’t perfect. Armageddon is by no means a perfect film, but it is a fun film. Following the first few minutes of the film, we immediately get treated to action. Everything we want to know about the characters is also laid out for us. Regardless of its plot, the film is still a save the world from destruction film. Those types of films were common at the time, but they were still enjoyable.

All of the characters in the film have their own quirky personalities, and we can see them play out. Then, we are introduced to the main plot of the film, and it follows with the characters agreeing to go on a mission they may not return from. We can see on screen the clear sense of brotherhood amongst all of the characters. After finding out that the world is about to end, the crew agree to help their boss in saving it. Every character knows that they may not make it out alive, and they are by no means great people. Regardless, however, they decide to go through with it all to protect what they can.

In Conclusion For This Film Review of Armageddon

The film follows a path of ups and downs showing that nothing can ever truly go someone’s way. Therefore it is natural that some characters see their end, even if it was early on. It doesn’t matter how long they were present, however, because we could learn exactly what they are like even early on in the film. This film review for Armageddon is just meant to illustrate that point, and it’s up to everyone else to watch it. Then you will see how they managed to portray the characters as people who could exist.

For more information on the film, click here.
