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Darkseid Actor Ray Porter Hopes to Return for More After Snyder’s Justice League

By George Robbins

Zack Snyder’s upcoming rendition of the ‘Justice League’ movie is one that fans have been looking forward to for quite some time now as it is a movie fans petitioned for since the original film’s release. When the original theatrical release of ‘Justice League’ was seen by the general public, many fans who had been looking forward to the movie ended up being disappointed by the end result of the whole thing. This was because a vast majority of what people originally thought was going to be in the movie ended up either being left out or changed in the final cut of the film. Therefore, fans immediately decided that they would petition so that they could get their hands on the version of the film that they originally wanted to view in theaters. Eventually, they would get their wish and now we will eventually be getting our hands on the version people wanted.


The new version of the film, aptly named the Snyder Cut of ‘Justice League,’ is a director’s cut of the original movie that is being worked on by the film’s original director Zack Snyder. Snyder was known for having started the DC Extended Universe, or DCEU, when he made the ‘Man of Steel’ movie. When he made that movie, he started the DCEU as a whole by giving it a central focus character that could be followed in a way that is similar to Iron Man and the MCU to some extent. Though, unlike the MCU, the direction taken by the DCEU was vastly different with the way that everything ended up playing out. The DCEU doesn’t necessarily have a build up like the MCU did and this immediately led to movies like ‘Batman v. Superman’ and ‘Justice League.’


Regardless of how those movies turned out or how they were received by the public, the fact remains that Zack Snyder is the director responsible for starting all of this under Warner Bros’. banner. He was meant to be the director for ‘Justice League’ but he unfortunately had to drop out of the movie after a certain point as his family was dealing with a tragic loss which affected him very much for a long time. After he had to leave the director’s chair, the chair was taken up by director Joss Whedon who has become the subject of a lot of backlash back then and even now due to information coming out about his apparent conduct on set. If it was not for the unfortunate loss Snyder suffered, he would have remained the director and we would have probably received a movie more in-line with what fans were expecting. Now though, we are getting an even bigger and more spectacle based version of the film we probably would have never had otherwise.


Back in May, earlier this year, we found out that the new version of ‘Justice League’ would be making its way to the public by some time in the earlier part of 2021. What we didn’t know was that the movie would actually be an entirely new experience for us to bear witness to as it isn’t just a movie anymore. In fact, the movie has now been turned into a four-part miniseries TV Show that will play in one hour increments, effectively making it a four-hour film that no one would have ever expected. Beyond just making the film longer with unused footage or something though, the movie is being made longer with what is essentially entirely new content. Unfortunately for fans who want to see the consequences of all of this that is going to happen in the movie, it will apparently not be made canon. The movie will be considered a standalone film where the original theatrical cut will be considered the canon film for simplicity’s sake.


This news that the new Snyder Cut of ‘Justice League’ is not going to be canon is a disappointment to many fans before the movie has even had its premiere because they have heard enough about the film where they think it should be the proper continuation. The main villain of the film is meant to be Darkseid who is known as a good DC equivalent to Thanos from the MCU and many believed he was going to be the main villain of the theatrical cut. Unfortunately this did not end up being the case and he was only mentioned in the original cut whereas his lieutenant Steppenwolf became the main villain. Now that he has played the role of Darkseid in the upcoming cut, actor Ray Porter is hoping that they change their minds and decide to make more content that follows this cut’s continuity so he can play the villain once again in some way. Needless to say, this is an idea I’m sure many fans would love to get behind and maybe we will hear something about this after the Snyder cut releases to the public.
