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California Has Plans to Re-Open Theaters… Eventually

As we know by now, the economy is in a terrible downward turn, but we are also in the middle of a terrible health crisis. With that in mind, states are working on their plans for re-opening business in order to try and kick-start the economy again. California’s plans for re-opening businesses is currently a four step plan that involves slowly re-opening the economy. The reason for it is the safety of the citizens of the state, which is what all states should be doing. Georgia re-opened all businesses with restrictions, but that doesn’t change the fact that the virus can still spread. With their re-opening businesses, other states are relaxing rules as well with Texas planning to re-open theaters this weekend.


California governor Gavin Newsom has said that it will be months before movie theaters re-open due to the coronavirus. With theaters being among the first facilities to close it isn’t much of a surprise that they will be among the last to open again. After all, it is a place that packs a bunch of people together into a small space. The state will be working towards re-opening them in a way that will be safe to the public at large. While theaters might be opening in other states, they are still going to be closed on a national level to a strong degree.


Newsom has explained that the state of California has a 4-step plan in place to re-open businesses state-wide. In that 4-step plan, theaters opening back up again is in the third step overall. There are still plans in the works to figure out how to properly go about opening businesses in a way that will keep new cases from spiking again. For now, California is one of the top 5 states with cases of the coronavirus, and considering the population size, that isn’t much of a surprise. The California state government will be doing what it can for both its businesses and its citizens in order to keep things moving.


Regardless of what other states are doing, Newsom refuses to lift any of the stay-at-home restrictions that were put in place. He has said that the plan to re-open businesses is one that will take not weeks, but months. Stage three is the part of the plan that not only includes re-opening theaters, but also the re-opening of hair salons, nail salons, gyms, and churches with restrictions. Among the things to be re-opened would be sporting events, but they will not have spectators. So it is clear that safety is one of the first things in mind when it comes to re-opening plans and it is the same type of plan that other states should also be trying to implement.
