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‘Black Widow’ May Be Delayed Again

By George Robbins

Movies are kind of in a bit of a predicament right now given the fact that theaters are having more issues than anticipated. So, originally theaters had their plans for their big reopenings over the course of the previous month. It seemed as thought this plan was going to end up working out in the end, but that seems to have just gone down the drain. Movie theaters have restrictions in place which bar them from having too many people in seats simultaneously. This didn’t really seem like it would cause too much of an issue given how much confidence theaters had not too long ago.


Now it would appear that theaters just don’t have any luck nowadays and studios are going to have to adjust to that fact in some way shape or form. Just recently, the movie ‘Tenet’ released and, despite having a strong couple of opening weekends, the movie hardly made any money this past weekend. With this in mind, it has become apparent to some companies that there is going to be a large period of time moving forward where movie theaters are pretty much going to be empty. There is no incentive for theaters to stay open because they will just end up losing money if not enough people come in. This still hasn’t stopped studios from trying to release their films though.


Studios have been doing their best to get their films out somehow in order to make their money, but their only real options right now are to delay or release digitally. While the latter option is one that has been relatively successful, it is not the one many studios want for their blockbusters because they want to get as much money as they can. Unfortunately this means that they will now have to wait because there are talks right now that theaters in the US may end up shutting down again due to low volume of customers. Therefore, the movie ‘Black Widow‘ is now on the list of films that will probably be seeing another delay in release date.
