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Animated Super Mario Bros. Film Still Set for 2022 Release

By George Robbins

Many franchises make up the market nowadays with video game franchises making up the largest part of the market. This is mainly due to the fact that games can take what has already been done, put a small twist on it, and then put it out again the following year. This has given them a massive edge when it comes to the competitive market and it has done just that over the years. What really makes people excited for these franchises is the fact that they become popular and then they maintain that fame by using what people love in order to carry the torch forward as time rolls onwards. Not many video game franchises have been able to maintain this level of fandom over the years, but one series in particular has managed to do just that and it is the Super Mario franchise.


The Super Mario franchise has been around for a very long time at this point and it has been a source of entertainment for countless generations at this point. Without the franchise, much of what people know about video games would be completely different and games today would probably not be the same. The franchise started something that very few franchises are actually capable of and they changed the way that people saw video games in general. Needless to say, Super Mario Bros. was a pioneering game for its era and it helped shape modern gaming as a whole. Therefore, it is a series that should be given the recognition that it deserves but has never really had before.


Although I say it has never really received the recognition it deserves before, it most certainly has, but not outside of the medium it was founded in. Super Mario Bros. has always found its home in the video game medium, but has never successfully found its place outside of that realm. This is mainly due to the fact that games don’t really translate well to movies. Not to mention that the only film ever made based upon the original games was a terrible dumpster fire live-action film that used terms from the game, but nothing else. Though now, it would appear that we may end up getting a film which actually does the games justice after all these years. To make it more appetizing and make it a lot less terrible than the live-action film, it will end up being an animated film.


Animated films are an excellent format for taking games which are already in an animated format and turning them into a watchable medium. Just because they are taking the right steps in a good direction with this doesn’t mean that it will end up being a good movie, but it most certainly gives fans hope moving forward. The movie is currently in development, and according to Nintendo’s Shuntaro Furukawa, the movie is still on track for its original release date. As of now, the film is supposed to have a theatrical release some time in 2022, so now Mario fans have something to hopefully look forward to in a couple of years.
