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'A Hidden Life' on Blu-Ray/DVD

There are a lot of different things out in the world that people can have beliefs in. It is even possible to have beliefs not to do something. Those types of beliefs are often times the hardest ones to stand by in the worst of times. ‘A Hidden Life’ shows us a story about a man who does just that even if it means having to die for that belief. The movie takes place during the time of World War II, telling the story of an Austrian farmer and his family.

On the Farm in A Hidden Life

During WWII, people who lived in what was considered the Third Reich had to swear loyalty to the Reich and Adolf Hitler himself, but this story tells of a man who refused to do so. A farmer by the name of Franz Jägerstätter refused to fight for the Nazis as he believed that what they were doing was wrong and he could not be loyal to such a cause. As such he was imprisoned for treason and would eventually be found guilty and sentenced to death.

‘A Hidden Life’ tells the true story of a man who gave his life for his beliefs and his wife and daughters who stood by him. The movie is based off of the real life letters between farmer Franz Jägerstätter and his wife while he was in prison awaiting trial for treason. Starring August Diehl and Valerie Pachner and directed by Terrence Malick, ‘A Hidden Life’ will release on March 17, 2020.
