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With people of all different kinds of backgrounds stuck in isolation due to Covid-19, some work is capable of completion. What is meant by that is projects often times take a while to work on due to the fact people have multiple things to do on a regular basis. Being stuck somewhere reduces the amount […]

Amazon has a fair number of shows available through their Amazon Prime Video service. Among those shows are original series that sometimes push the bounds on what we would normally expect in a show. They often times have shows that are also based off works done by others. So what happens when you combine the […]

It is commonly known that sometimes our minds can play tricks on us and our entire realities can change. With that in mind, production companies can come up with ideas for any number of movies based off psychological issues. The idea that someone saw something that no one else believes is a trope in many […]

As has already been discussed by so many people on the internet, movies are being delayed left and right. There are many people that think the companies that are making the films should instead put their movies up on digital services. There are a number of reasons why this is simply not going to happen […]

Covid-19 is obviously affecting every industry in some way shape or form, but the entertainment industry seems to be taking one of the biggest hits. Disney has had to push back the release of Black Widow due to the pandemic. They’ve also had to temporarily stop production on all films that were being worked on. […]

Superhero films are usually just action oriented films, but sometimes we get superhero films in a different genre. This time around we are getting one in the horror genre but set in a universe we know. One of the most recent superhero films that is also in the horror genre is Brightburn, a film about […]
