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By George Robbins Nowadays, the world can be a pretty rough place for just about everybody and it affects everyone differently. The “it” in this case is the coronavirus pandemic currently plaguing the world. Countless businesses have been affected in entirely different ways simply because people can’t be near one another. While some businesses can […]

By George Robbins As many people have probably noticed by now, while many businesses are reopening or have plans to do so soon, movie productions are another subject entirely. Like the movie theaters the films will be showing in, film productions are going to have a lot of set restrictions to them when they resume. […]

By George Robbins Not too long ago we found out that the Matrix trilogy would no longer be a trilogy when a fourth film for the franchise was announced. The plot of the film is unknown to the public at large and we are not expecting to hear much about it for awhile yet. The […]

By George Robbins Currently, people in this world are essentially trapped indoors due to the coronavirus pandemic. While some places are slowly starting to reopen businesses with restrictions, the majority of people will not want to leave their homes. The fact remains that the virus is still out there and is still as dangerous as […]

By George Robbins The coronavirus pandemic has wrecked absolute havok on everybody’s year thus far. Whether it is an everyday person or a business, everyone has been affected by the virus in some way. For the entertainment industry, it has been especially painful because so much of what they do is based on schedules. Whether […]
