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Recently, DC put out a trailer for their newest DC Dark film, ‘Apokolips War.’ This movie is the newest in their line of rated R animated films that they have been working on. A majority of the animated films that they put out generally tell their own individual stories, but some of the newer ones […]

J.J. Abrams is known for a number of different movies in all sorts of different roles including producing, writing and directing. He is responsible for the creation of shows such as Lost and Fringe, producing the Cloverfield series, and directing movies such as Star Trek, Super 8, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Now, he […]

‘Venom 2’ is, for sure, meant to be a much darker film, but we have to be hopeful that the movie can be its darker self. The only way for that to even be possible is if the movie gets its R-rating that it deserves. Given the track record for comic book movies with an […]

Politics can be messy and and in the game of politics, comedy can easily be observed. ‘Irresistible’ is a film that is meant to show just that and give us an entertaining film to watch. The movie is one of many political satires that has been released through the years and will continue the trend […]

‘Blue Story’ tells the story of two friends who went to the same school but unfortunately live in neighboring London boroughs. Best friends Timmy and Marco attend high school together in Peckham, but nothing is meant to last. Marco ends up being beaten by a couple of Timmy’s primary school friends. This sets the two […]

‘The Way Back’ is a sports drama about a former basketball all-star who must contend with the demons of his past after he becomes the coach of his alma mater. This former star was once offered a scholarship to the perennial power house college basketball program. This would have brought him to the University of […]
